It was time for another get together of the community and to see who the true dedicated enthusiast were in amidst this crypto winter. Only about 20 people turned up but the topics were certainly very interesting.
Jevon gave an update on Cryptfolio.com, a site that keeps track of your crypto portfolio, and how all your trades can be pulled from various sources to help your accountant deal with tax.
Although prefaced with the disclaimer that this was not financial or legal or tax advice, in NZ, each trade is considered a taxable event and needs to be tracked. Jevon even walked through several examples and there were great questions from the audience.
Jevon gave a demo of extracting a bunch of trades from various exchanges and exporting it as a CSV.
Then we had Andy from Horizon State talk about their new charity app Coin Pocket (https://coinpocket.hs.app). What was interesting was a tweet from Nimo, co-founder of Horizon State.
We had an alarm of some sort go off at the end during the community shout outs.
Look forward to the next meetup and as always, if you have something you want to share, please do let us know.