I had the opportunity to present a blockchain 101 to Proctor and Gamble in Singapore recently trying to engage an audience for an hour talking about ConsenSys, consensus and all things blockchains included concepts such as blockchains v distributed ledgers, cryptocurrencies v tokens, and of course use cases.
Proctor and Gamble have launched a digital transformation program to learn more about disruptive technologies of which blockchains is one of them. The whole week was part of their ONWARD program where staff could attend all sorts of training in the area of their interest.
After I finished, Tyler Mulihive, the co-founder of Viant talked about their blockchain-based platform for modelling business processes, tracking assets and building the supply chains of the future. The attendees also managed to create an example supply chain application for themselves which was really neat.
Tyler, Michael Teo, (P&G Senior IT Manager for IT Innovations) and I.
I also managed to have lunch with some of the awesome Singapore ConsenSys crew at WeWork at Suntec city. The office is a very nice space.